Pla Aircraft - A fighter jet attached to the Air Force's Aviation Brigade under PLA Eastern Theater Command took off for a round-the-clock flight training mission on February 27, 2020. (Photo by gun)

BEIJING, March 13 -- The Chinese PLA Air Force recently issued Regulations on Air Force Aircraft Painting and Marking (Trial) (hereinafter referred to as Regulations).

Pla Aircraft

Pla Aircraft

The low visibility of aircraft painting and marking in the air is known to be a practical necessity and development trend for realistic combat, thus reducing the chance of visual identification. The newly issued regulations are fully compliant with such requirements and lay down clear standards for painting and marking of various aircraft of the PLA Air Force.

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The regulations consist of five chapters and 16 articles, requiring newly developed fighter aircraft to be fully painted with a low-visibility coating and requiring older aircraft on active duty to apply a unified marking painting. There are also requirements for special symbols such as the national flag, "Chinese Air Force" and "Red Cross".

To ensure that the new regulations are scientific, objective and efficient, the drafting team of the regulations has thoroughly analyzed aircraft painting and marking cases related to domestic and foreign air forces and formulated thorough opinions. All parties

The new regulations will come into effect gradually in 2020. It plays an important role in strengthening the aircraft painting and identifying maintenance and adapting it to actual combat requirements now and in the future. Wuhan, February 18 – Eight transport planes of the Air Force of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) successfully transported the fourth batch of medical personnel and supplies to Hubei Province on February 17, 2020.

During this emergency airlift, three types of large and medium transport aircraft were mobilized, including four home-made cargo plane Y-20s, one Il-76 and three Yun-9s. This aircraft has reached seven airports in the country for the first time. Medical aid personnel and supplies are loaded at a rapid pace. Afterwards, they took off again without delay and landed at Wuhan Tianhe

Shenyang J 16

As of press time, the Air Force has deployed a total of 30 transport aircraft for four consecutive major airlift operations since the outbreak of Covid-19.

Military expert Du Wenlong said the PLA's airlift for current Wuhan sets an example of accurate and efficient emergency airlift. He also summarized three highlights of the operation:

The first is the high intensity of the assignments. The delivery mission, which involved eight large and medium transport aircraft of three types, comes just three days after the last mission, which involved 11 aircraft of three types. This indicates that the Air Force has greatly improved its readiness in various areas such as operations commanding, materiel management, flight maintenance etc.

Pla Aircraft

The second is high accuracy of mission execution. Precise air dynamic command, effective control and accurate calculations result in precision landing of military aircraft from seven different airports within 21 minutes. This is a clear proof of the Air Force's strong air coordination and command support capability.

Pla Sends 19 Aircraft Near Taiwan Island In Routine Drill

Third is the powerful ground support capability. The ground conditions of the seven airports are very different and challenging for proper and timely loading and completion of military maneuvers. However, they got the job done with powerful ground support capabilities. By Liu Xuanjun, a defense reporter who covers arms and military developments at Global Times. Liu Xuanzun Published: September 06, 2021 01:11 AM

Fighter jets attached to an Air Force Aviation Brigade under the PLA Eastern Theater Command taxi into a servicing depot formation for a pre-flight training exercise on July 31, 2021. Photo: Chinese Military

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) sent 19 aircraft, most of them fighter jets and bombers, near the island of Taiwan on Sunday, part of a routine exercise that Chinese analysts on the mainland said showed the striking power difference between the two. Although Taiwan's recent military spending proposals have targeted the PLA and the island's armed forces.

A total of 19 PLA aircraft, namely a Y-8 anti-submarine warfare aircraft, four H-6 bombers, 10 J-16 fighter jets and four Su-30 fighter jets, entered Taiwan's self-declared southwestern air defense detection zone on Sunday. , the island's conservation officials said in a press release.

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Some media on the island said the group of 19 aircraft participating in the exercise should be considered large. However, others recall that the June 15 was the largest aircraft built with 28 aircraft.

As of Sunday, the PLA had sent fighter jets near the island every day in September except Thursday last week, according to releases from the island's defense officials.

PLA exercises near the island of Taiwan have become routine since a year ago. The number of aircraft varies according to the PLA's training requirements, a military expert based in mainland China told the Global Times on Sunday.

Pla Aircraft

The island's separatists should now have a clear understanding that the PLA has a greater advantage than the island's armed forces. Even if foreign powers intervene, the PLA is fully capable and ready to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the expert said.

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There are rumors that a US E-8C aircraft entered the island's "airspace" on Sunday, but local defense officials have yet to confirm this, Taipei-based Liberty Times Net reported.

In late August, the island's defense officials "proposed a special budget for missile production capabilities aimed at countering threats from the Chinese mainland," Taiwan media reported at the time.

This is another futile attempt by Taiwan separatists to prevent forced reunification, and no matter what weapons and equipment the island develops, it will not be enough to change the status quo of the cross-straits power balance, Song Zhongping, A . A Chinese mainland military expert and TV commentator told the Global Times. Military power projects have national prestige. China has emerged as a global superpower over the past few decades, so it is no surprise that China's military is the largest in the world in terms of manpower. China's military spending is about a third of US military spending. Today we list some of the best Chinese fighter jets of the People's Liberation Army Air Force.

The rise of the People's Liberation Army Air Force has paralleled that of the Chinese military and indeed China over the past century. A hundred years ago, China had no air force, was in the grip of unrest and civil war, and was in complete economic, social, and political chaos.

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Today, China is a superpower, and the second largest military spender behind the United States. But it still lags far behind, from $716 billion to $224 billion by 2019. However, China's significant military spending has made it a force to be reckoned with, including the PLAAF.

Over the decades, China shifted from buying Soviet and Russian jets to building its own. How many fighter jets does China have? It is difficult to answer definitively, given the obvious limitations of state secrecy and China's chilly relations with the West. Estimates are usually somewhere in the thousands.

China has strengthened its sense of national military identity in developing its own fighter jets. The fighter jets on this list exemplify that trend.

Pla Aircraft

Most of the jets in the PLAAF have some defense contractors, as in the United States, France, Russia and other countries. Chengdu is the biggest name in Chinese aviation.

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Chengdu-20 is one of the newest fighter aircraft in PLAAF. It is a stealth air superiority fighter, and is designed to compete with the F-35 and other American fighter jets.

Thus, the aircraft is designed with state-of-the-art components including the Shenyang WS-10B engine. It is designed with stealth capabilities. Other information, such as the radar technology used, has not been released by Chinese officials.

More military secrets involve electronic systems used onboard, but these are generally believed to be very sophisticated. The total number of jets produced is also highly secretive.

The aircraft is also used by the PLAAF and the Chinese Navy. Although it was manufactured by Chengdu, the Russian Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute previously confirmed its involvement.

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That Russian influence extends to the components used in the aircraft. For example, the J-10 uses the Russian-made Lyulka-Saturn AL-31FN engine. It was originally intended to have a Chinese engine called the WS-10 Taihang, but problems with it led to the adoption of the AL-31FN.

The PLAAF is not the only air force to place an order for the J-10. Pakistan Air Force has also done this. At least 40 of the jets are expected to be built for use in their air force.

This is yet another example of the PLAAF filling its ranks with Soviet-made fighters. The Chengdu J-7 was first produced in 1966 as a Chinese version of the Soviet MiG-21 fighter. Although it's not a jet

Pla Aircraft

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